
Je suis bien

A única pessoa para quem Jacques Brel compôs. Pelos idos de 90, ouvi-a na Aula Magna, numa gala de homenagem a Brel. Belíssima Gréco! Esta canção___ Brel também cantou mas nunca a gravou.

Chanteuse Juliette Gréco, muse of the 1950s existentialists of Montmartre, was the first to bring the talent of Jacques Brel before the French public with her cover of Brel's "Ca Va, Le Diable." "Je Suis Bien" is a moody, somewhat ironic song Brel wrote for her to perform. He never recorded it himself. Following Gréco's version is a rare live performance by Brel from his last tour of French Equatorial Africa in 1966. He appears to have just written the song, or maybe didn't remember the words. The music was written by Brel's collaborator Gérard Jouannest who is still alive and married to Juliette Gréco.

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